Events & Activities Updates
"plac&s" organizes several special events each year which are open to the public. Some of these events are free of cost while some incur a small charge. We are the host site for Pinetop Lakes Association's Food Truck First Friday, Second Saturday Cinema and Epic Ride's Tour of White Mountains Mountain Bike Race (www.epicrides.com).
Events We Organized
We have space for a variety of special events

Enjoy More with Events
Whether you want to organize a private wedding party or a fun-filled Halloween day, Pinetop Lakes Activity Center & Stables is an ideal choice for you that offers a great setting. We arrange events and activities to make your boarding more exciting and enjoyable. Our staff ensures you have a great time lodging with us.
Our creative experts add more events each year. Please keep checking our events calendar for activities.
If you are interested in conducting an event at "plac&s", please contact us to discuss your idea. You can call us at (928) 369-1000 or email to [email protected].